Monday, August 30, 2010

Finally decided to put this thing to good use... :)

Alright, let's see... What's new with me lately? Well, I wrote Brett an email yesterday telling him that it's strictly snail mail from here on out. I think he took it pretty well. I need the space and so does he; plus, we both need the blessings of being obedient.
Next weekend is the ACN International Convention in Charlotte, NC. I'm pretty dang excited. I think it'll be the kick in the butt we (my family/AVO for "Amor vincit omnia" which translates as "Love conquers all"-- our ACN organization/"team") needs to blow this thing up!! Should be good. :)
Today was the first day of class at BYU, and officially the first day of my semester off. Craziness. I miss my roomies. I will have to visit them soon and often.
I am currently obsessed with this wedding dress. It's $1,045 though... Better start saving up! It's everything I never knew I wanted and more! Haha. The store is up in Salt Lake City so I want to stop by and try it on to see if I love it as much in person. Yeah, I think I'm in love... Now I just need an amazing guy to marry. He's out there somewhere, I just know it!

Well, there will be more later, promise!!!
